01. 451 Press
Make Money to write with all catagoryUrl: http://451press.com/
Registrasi: http://www.451press.com/contact/
02. Be A Guides (About.com)
Url: http://beaguide.about.com/
Registrasi: http://beaguide.about.com/applynow.htm
03. BlogBurner
INI JUGA menulis namun dia bekerja sama dengan akun google adsense harus ,sayang aku ga bisaUrl: http://www.blogburner.com/
04. Blog Feast
Url: http://blogfeast.net/
05. Bloggerwave
Url: http://bloggerwave.com/
06. Blogitive
Url: http://www.blogitive.com/
07. Blogsvertise
Url: http://www.blogsvertise.com/
08. Blog To Profit
1.The blog must be at least 3 months old with quality content and updated at least twice per week.Usia 3 bulan minimal2. A BTOP administrator may approve or decline your account or blog post for any reason. It is the sole discretion of the administrator. Bloggers with blogs below the requirements may not be notified about the declined blog.harusnya disetujui
3. Bloggers will be notified only for approved blogs. Blogs that are not qualified yet may be re-evaluated after 2 months.
4. You may only apply for a BToP blogger account with a root domain. e.g. http://www.domain.com. You can not use http://www.domain.com/myblog, however you can use subdomains e.g. http://myblog.domain.com
5. Blogs should have a clear permalink structure.
6. Blogs with expiring domains may likely be rejected.
7. Bloggers are paid for the approved blog posts on a weekly basis, through Paypal or through the mode of Payment specified in the blogger’s account.
On Link Assignments
1. You will be assigned a batch of links by a BToP administrator based on the categories that you agreed upon sign-up. You may change the preferred categories at any time before a batch of task is given.
2. Once a batch of order has been assigned to your blog, you have up to 120 hrs to complete and submit the post before it will be re-assigned to another blogger.
3. You should accurately post a link and its anchor text verbatim within your blog post, at one link per post only.
4. The link should be in context, found in the main body of a relevant blog post.
5. Content must be creative and original. You should not copy more than one sentence from any portion of text from the advertiser’s website, doing so may get you banned from BTOP.
6. There is a minimum requirement of 150 words for blog entry approval.
7. Your blog post must appear either as one of the recent blog entries on your home page, or be a clear link accessible from your blog. Posts may be rejected if they can not be easily found from your blog.
8. Your blog post must remain live for at least 12 months and be accessible through the submtted permanent link at anytime within the agreed period. Bloggers who remove posts after being paid and before the term mentioned above ends will no longer receive sponsorship opportunities and may be banned from BToP.
9. Anchor texts with backlinks to advertiser must not contain “no follow” tags.
10. Posts from BTOP should not be posted into one category like “sponsored”, “paid posts”, “ads”, “advertisements”, “earn from blog” and other similar categories.
plese contact : Blogtoprofit
For queries and account concerns, write to support@blogtoprofit.com
Url: http://www.blogtoprofit.com/
Registrasi: http://www.blogtoprofit.com/btop/sign-up.html
09. BOTW Media
Url: http://botwmedia.com/
Registrasi: http://blogs.botw.org/helpcenter/volunteer.aspx
10. CreamAid
CREAMaid.com adalah platform dimana pengguna dapat bertemu dengan pengguna lain dengan minat yang sama. Anda tidak hanya dapat bertemu dan berkomunikasi blogger lainnya dapat membuat uang yang tepat. Seorang pengguna harus memasukkan CREAMaid Konversasi widget mereka di dalam pos. Perusahaan, organisasi dan orang-orang yang dapat membuat CREAMaid percakapan dan mereka mulai dengan membuat widget. Bila anda sudah terpilih, maka akan sindikasi ke semua posting yang berpartisipasi melalui embedded Conversation widgets. Bila Anda posting adalah pilihan Anda akan mengumpulkan royalti. Blogger akan menerima royalti melalui paypal. Ketika Anda mengunjungi CREAMaid.com Anda dapat menelusuri melalui percakapan dan berpartisipasi dalam orang yang Anda minati. CREAMaid.com merupakan cara terbaik bagi perusahaan untuk mendapatkan eksposur dan blogger untuk bersenang-senang dan mendapatkan uang.
Url: http://creamaid.com/
11. Creative Weblogging
Url: http://www.creative-weblogging.com/
Registrasi: http://www.creative-weblogging.com/50226711/get_paid_to_blog.php
12. DayTipper
Url: http://daytipper.com/
Registrasi: http://daytipper.com/CreateAccount.aspx
13. Dewitts Media
Dewitt's Media tidak menawarkan satu kotak untuk semua solusi dari semua layanan kami adalah sepenuhnya sekitar klien tertentu vertikal, jadi karena itu klien kami tahu mereka akan mendapatkan hasil. Kami menyesuaikan strategi yang terbaik dan teknologi untuk membangun merek itu semua merek di seluruh mesin pencari utama.
Dewitt's Media upaya untuk menjadikan hasil produksi melalui strategi yang disesuaikan. Kami disesuaikan tombol putar-solusi telah membuktikan untuk bekerja lebih dan lebih lagi. Kita telah bekerja dengan beberapa yang paling kompetitif vertikal di web 2,0 sphere.
Penelitian kita
Kami terus berinvestasi dalam penelitian setiap tahun, setiap bulan, dan setiap hari, jadi karena itu kita dapat tetap di depan mesin pencari. Pencarian algoritma yang terus berubah dan strategi yang bekerja 3 tahun lalu hampir tidak bekerja, serta apa yang mereka gunakan untuk. Sebagai pencarian ruang tumbuh dengan mesin yang lebih ketat tentang cara mendapatkan dan mereka yang di dalam peringkat mesin pencari. Di sinilah kita membuat upaya untuk berdiri di ini cepat mengubah lingkungan kita selalu menguji mesin pencari dan malam hari untuk melihat apa yang paling efektif dan apa yang tidak efektif seperti ini telah memungkinkan kita untuk klien kami peringkat atas, atas, dan lebih lagi untuk beberapa kata kunci yang paling kompetitif dalam pencarian lingkungan.
Url: http://www.indianawebsitedesign.net/
Registrasi: http://www.indianawebsitedesign.net/pages/contextual-links/contextual-signup.php
14. Digital Journal
Url: http://digitaljournal.com/
Registrasi: http://digitaljournal.com/
15. Helium
Url: http://www.helium.com/
Registrasi: http://www.helium.com/registration/signup
16. In Blog Ads
Url: http://inblogads.com/
Registrasi: http://inblogads.com/register/
17. Link Worth
Url: http://www.linkworth.com/products/partner-linkpost.php
Registrasi: http://www.linkworth.com/signup.php
18. LoudLaunch
Url: http://loudlaunch.com/
19. Pay Me To Blog About You
Url: http://www.paymetoblogaboutyou.com/
Registrasi: http://www.paymetoblogaboutyou.com/signup/
20. PayPerPost
Url: http://payperpost.com/
Registrasi: http://payperpost.com/blogger_signup.html
21. Review Me
Url: http://www.reviewme.com/
Registrasi: http://www.reviewme.com/
22. Shvoong
Url: http://www.shvoong.com/
Registrasi: http://www.shvoong.com/portfolio/register/
23. Smorty
Url: http://www.smorty.com/
Registrasi: https://members.smorty.com/blogger_signup.asp
24. Sponsored Reviews
Url: http://sponsoredreviews.com/
Registrasi: http://sponsoredreviews.com/create-account.asp
25. Squidoo
Url: http://www.squidoo.com/
Registrasi: http://www.squidoo.com/member/registration
26. Weblogs Inc
Url: http://www.weblogsinc.com/
Registrasi: http://www.weblogsinc.com/#exp_bloggers
27. Wise Bread
Url: http://www.wisebread.com/make-money-writing-for-wise-bread#get_paid_blogging
28. B5media
Url: http://www.b5media.com/
Registrasi: http://www.b5media.com/jobs
29. Reviewmu
Url: http://www.reviewmu.com
Ngeblog dibayar atau paid review sampai hari ini masih banyak diminati dan situs-situs penyedia paid review yang menghubungkan blogger dan advertiser juga masih bermunculan. Ini pertanda bahwa peluang untuk mengunduh dollar dari program ini masih terbuka luas, dan semoga akan berumur panjang. Di posting sebelumnya saya pernah menulis “Paid review yang terbukti membayar68“, kali ini saya akan menambahkan sejumlah situs paid review (Paid Blogging Websites) yang saya dapat infonya dari blog Dosh Dosh.
- Blogitive (http://www.blogitive.com)
Blogitive will pay all bloggers a flat rate of US $5 per advertiser offer, regardless of the size or popularity of the blog. One of the earliest blog networks on the scene, Blogitive seems to be gotten into a slump a few months after their launch.
They’ve recently revamped their user interface and one of the much touted Blogitive advantages is that they pay weekly via Paypal. Blogitive has a very poor collection of advertisers and that’s something that they definitely need to improve.
- Blogging Ads (http://bloggingads.com)
Blogging Ads started early and recently relaunched with a new look. It’s nothing too different from Blogitive, however do note that you can only put up 10 posts per month on all your blogs and the rate for each post is usually $5. Payment is made weekly via Paypal. Blogging Ads doesn’t have a lot of advertiser offers as well.
- CreamAid (http://creamaid.com)
CreamAid is a get paid to blog program with a twist. All bloggers of an option of displaying a widget which allows them to earn referral commission whenever another blogger picks up an offer from it.
CreamAid is more fun than the other get paid to blog websites although I think their monetary potential is weakest. Don’t expect to earn more than $5 for most offers you come across.
- BlogtoProfit (http://www.blogtoprofit.com)
BlogtoProfit allows you to get paid to write blog posts about each sponsor’s products/websites. This company doesn’t have a user interface or dashboard and there is no marketplace which allows you to pick or choose the offers you want. I’ve tried submitting some blogs to them before but have never gotten response from them at all. It is possible that they are not active anymore.
- LinkyLoveArmy (http://www.linkylovearmy.com)
LinkyLoveArmy appears to be a get paid to blog network but their website doesn’t make what they do very clear. The design is fairly cluttered and there’s no apparent FAQ or guide for bloggers who want to sign up. This appears to be a fairly small DIY setup so I wouldn’t expect too many advertiser offers from the onset.
- V7N Contextual (http://contextual.v7n.com)
V7N Contextual is not technically a get paid to blog network because most of the time you won’t have to write a blog post. All you’ll have to do is to transform any specific keyword (eg. golf clubs) in your blog posts into a link to the advertiser’s website. All bloggers will earn $10 per link, regardless of their blog size and reach.
An important point to note is that you’ll have to sign a non-disclosure agreement, which means that you can’t disclose that it was a sponsored link. I have blogs in the V7N program and have not received many offers before. Don’t count on getting too many assignments.
- Loud Launch (http://www.loudlaunch.com)
LoudLaunch is a medium sized paid blogging network which features a moderate amount of advertiser offers. Your blogs need to be more than 2 months old and payment is only made via Paypal. Like Payperpost, the blogger usually needs to append a disclosure badge, tracker tag or logo or the bottom of posts.
The user interface doesn’t appeal to me and like other networks like Blogsvertise, the range of advertisers seem to be rather limited.
- Dewitt Media (http://www.indianawebsitedesign.net/pages/contextual-links/contextual.html)
Dewitt Media is a search marketing and website design company that’s recently launched a contextual links program. Blogs need to have a minimum Google Page Rank of 3 before they will be accepted. Rates are set at $10 per post.
Like V7N, Dewitt Media requires you to sign a NDA or Non Disclosure agreement, which forbids you from disclosing that any specific link or blog post was sponsored. There is currently no marketplace with advertiser offers though a forum might be forthcoming.
Berbeda dari posting sebelumnya, saya tak berani menjamin apakah situs paid review yang ada di atas terbukti membayar, karena saya sendiri juga baru gabung. Kecuali BlogtoProfit saya sudah dibayar, untuk PR2-3 rata-rata per posting $5-6, minimum 150 kata, dibayar setelah posting diapprove. Tapi tak ada salahnya mencoba atau masih ragu pelajari situsnya dulu baru gabung.
sumber: http://www.doshdosh.com.
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