
Affiliate Program

Affiliate Program

Join Blog And Make Cash affiliates today and make money! Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest growing industries on the Internet. The concept is simple: We make money, you make money!
Each time a user buy the Blog and Make Cash ebook from your website, we'll pay you a commission.
The current comission we offer is one of the highest on the whole Internet: 50%. Yes, 50%, which means that when someone buy the Blog and Make cash ebook throught your affiliate link for $19.99, your comission is $9.99!
How it works
Becoming an affiliate and earning cash with us is very easy, and it's 100% free. Here's how to become an affiliate in 6 easy steps:

1. Sign up for a free affiliate account through E-junkie. If you already have an account, that link will add Blog and Make Cash to your existing account.
2. Once you confirm your affiliate account (if applicable), you can log into it by clicking on the Affiliates link on E-junkie's homepage. Now select the "Get Affiliate Code" option, and select "Blog and Make Cash" from the drop-down menu.
3. When you are on the next page, select “Get Affiliate Code” again, and you’ll be taken to a screen that has a drop down menu with Success with WordPress. Select it and you will receive your affiliate link code.
4. Once you have you affiliate link, you can start to promote the Blog and Make Cash ebook. You can use text links, or the awesome banners we designed to help you promoting the book and make money.
If you're a blogger, you should definitely write a post spreading the word about the Blog and Make cash ebook to maximize your profits!
5. Every time someone click on your affiliate link, a cookie is sent to that person's computer. The cookie last 90 days, which means that if the person buy the Blog and Make Cash ebook even two months after clicking on your link, you'll earn money!
6. Each month, we'll send you your comissions via paypal. There's no minimum payout. If you sold 1 copy of the Blog and Make Cash ebook, you'll get your $9.99.

5 reasons to be an affiliate

1. It's 100% free to join.
2. Incredible 50% comissions.
3. You can stop to promote us when you want, you don't even have to tell us.
4. Get paid each month via Paypal.
5. No minimum payouts.

Click here to visit eBlog Templates website!

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